12 events found.
Logistics Team
plans plant visitation, pick up and sort with Elm Street, and planting day
VALI Workday
Deanna ShipleyHigh Altitude Garden Club Monthly Meeting
St. Lukes 201 3rd St, Westcliffe, ColoradoCourthouse Workday
First workday of the 2024 Growing Season
Migration of the Animals
The beautiful animals gracing the HAGC planters along Main Street will leap from their planters and will be rounded up - then herded back to their home in the shade of the Storage unit on Dewalt Street. We will meet … Continue reading
Courthouse Workday RESCHEDULED
Custer County CourthouseElaine Chavanon Sun, May 5, 8:12 PM (3 days ago) Rescheduling notification -No workday May Thanks to all who have offered to help with the Courthouse Gardens on Wednesday May 8th, but due to scheduling conflicts we have decided to postpone … Continue reading