We are the individuals who love to watch beauty grow!
The High Altitude Garden Club was formed on May 10, 1996 in Westcliffe, Colorado. Included in the goals of the club, education is foremost resulting in successful gardening at high altitude. The motto of the club is to be “perennially optimistic” in spite of the many challenges gardeners face in Colorado.
To Contact us please email: HighAltitudeGC@ gmail.com
Honoring our Volunteer of the Year 2023:

the High Altitude Garden Club thanks you!
Officers of the High Altitude Garden Club
President: Sally Strom

Vice President of Membership: Deanna Shipley

Treasurer: Renee Tobin

Secretary: Susan Raymer

Vice President of Grants: Inge Munden

Vice President of Programs: Debi Van Doren

Vice Presidents of Programs: Jackie Hoffmann

Founding Members, Past Presidents, Past Volunteers of the Year